The 6th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Systems (ICIKS 2023) will be held at University of Portsmouth between the 22th and 23th June. The ICIKS 2023 will bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and other professionals from around the world and provide opportunities to highlight recent advances in the fields of Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Decision Support and Digital decision tools. We welcome submissions on theoretical developments and applications of all these fields. The ICIKS 2023 will also provide opportunities to share ideas, expertise and networking.
Best Paper Award
The ICIKS 2023 will introduce a Best Paper Award to recognize and promote quality contributions to academic research. A special scientific committee will assess, score and rank all the papers submitted in the ICIKS 2023 conference.
The Best Paper Award selection process goes through four phases:
(1) An initial score will be assigned to all submitted papers during the review process based on innovation, significance to research community, scientific quality and technical excellence.
(2) A shortlist composed of the seven accepted papers receiving the highest scores in the review process are chosen as candidates. The authors of the selected papers will be informed one week before the start of the conference and the candidates will be announced on the homepage.
(3) The scientific committee members will score the candidate papers based on communication and presentation capabilities. The paper receiving the highest score by the Scientific Committee members will be awarded the Best Paper Award.
(4) The award will be announced during the closing session and released on the conference website.
A signed award certificate will be delivered to the awarded candidate. The authors of the awarded paper will be offered a free registration to the next ICIKS 2025 conference.
Topics of interest will include, but are not limited to:
The ICIKS 2023 seeks to promote discussions on various organizational, technological, and socio-cultural aspects of research in the design and use of information and knowledge systems in organizations. Considering the large amount of data, information, and knowledge created and used in the organizations, especially with the evolution of information and communications technology platforms, organizations under the process of digital transformation constantly search for innovative concepts and creative applications. More importantly, ICIKS aims beyond the predominant role of technologies, seeking discussions on the essential interactions between individuals, who are the ultimate technology users.
The ICIKS 2023 will introduce a Best Paper Award to recognize and promote quality contributions to academic research. All papers submitted and published in the ICIKS 2023 conference publications are eligible for competition for the Best Paper Award. A special Award Selection Committee will select, score and rank the best submitted papers based on their originality, quality, positioning and writing style. A signed award certificate with the name of the award, the name of the paper, and the names of the authors of the paper. The authors of awarded paper will be offered a free registration for the 7th version ICIKS. The award will be announced during the closing session and released on the conference website.
Knowledge sharing or transfer
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management systems
Decision process in organizations
Decision support systems
Business process for Information and Knowledge systems
Evaluation and measurement of Information and Knowledge systems
Social and human factors in Information and Knowledge systems
Artificial intelligence for information and knowledge systems
Big data for information and knowledge systems
Ontology for Information and Knowledge systems
Security issues in information and knowledge systems
Strategic Competitive Intelligence
Evaluation of Risk Assessment Schemes
Competitive Intelligence and Business Analytics
Strategic Risk Reduction and Organisations Performance
Blockchain Technology recent developments and challenges
The strategic application of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
Web 3.0 and Blockchain Technology in service and industrial applications
Blockchain Technology applications
The proceedings of ICIKS 2021 will be published by Springer in the book series of LNBIP (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ( are invited to submit original research works on topics or others related to information and knowledge systems. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. The full paper is between 14 and 16 pages long. The official language of the conference is English. Papers should conform to Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference proceedings template that can be downloaded from the website:
All papers must be submitted through this link : which is accessible from the conference website. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and presentation. After the conference, authors with best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to several special issues of scientific journals (Information and computer security, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations).
Submission deadline: February 28, 2023
Notification of acceptance: April 4, 2023
Camera (Web)-ready: May 4, 2023
Conference: June 22-23, 2023