Track Chairs:
Arezki Aberkane, Manager R&D, Audensiel Technologies, France
Sarra Bouzayane, Project Chief, Audensiel Occitanie, France
Track Description:
The common definition of knowledge is always linked to the human since it represents the information embodied in his head. It should be inferred based on his theoretical and practical information. However, nowadays and in the age of artificial intelligence, humans are no longer alone in being able to “think” and “reason” in order to perceive, create and share knowledge. Imitating human reasoning in order to meet specific needs of our daily lives is currently the main challenge for a majority of researchers. This digital transformation was the source of several advances and opportunities in different delicate areas and urgent situations, the last of which was covid19. Many theories and techniques, including deep learning, were hence developed to simulate certain features of human intelligence.
This conference track is looking for innovative papers that address artificial intelligence and
deep learning techniques. The submissions should contribute to the evolution of existing systems by integrating innovations that allow them to manage information and create knowledge in an intelligent way. Algorithms or approaches based on deep learning or methods for evaluating the performance of these tools will the core of our objectives.
Submitted papers must describe original, high-quality research. Hence, Topics of interest include all aspects of knowledge processing based on artificial intelligence techniques, including, but not limited to, the following areas: